Monday, February 13, 2012

Updated Rules Targets and Dates so far in 2012

Mid month every month from here on in I will update if necessary my rules and targets, and I will also post how many of the guys from my post in dating in 2012 I have given dates.

Here are the original Rules and Targets and here is the Revised Version(Updates are in bold):

Rules for Dating by Gertie:
1. Give everyone who asks a first date, they will all teach you something.
2. Google everyone before you're first date make sure they aren't a serial killer and their story checks out. (Mandatory, do not stray from this rule)
3. Give everyone that makes you laugh a second date, when you're old laughter will ma
tter more than you know.
4. Give everyone your Google Voice number, shield your actual cell phone number. (Ye
s my friends Gertie got a batphone!!)
5. Have an email address exclusively for online dating, don't link that email to anything else in your life.
6. Only give third dates to men who make you feel butterflies, no need to waste time.
7. Kissing on a first date is the exceptio
n not the rule.
(But sometimes kissing on the first date is exceptional)

8. See a man's place before you every invite him to yours.
9. Bring enough cash on a date to roll out if the need arises. (Great rule - Thanks Dad!)
10. Honesty is a paramount quality, watch ou
t for inconsistencies.

Male Targets:
1. Tall men who reach the top shelf - remember to subtract two inches from a listed height on an online dating profile.
2. Broad Men who give Great Hugs; subjective but necessary
3. Someone who doesn't want to hang out everyday, but who wants to hangout a few times a week.
4. Someone who is awesome and has friends that are awesome, bonus points if your friends would mesh well with my friends.
5. Someone who knows there way around a kitchen, bar, or a pantry. I like Men who can cook, bake, and especially craft an interesting cocktail or two.
6. Gentleman who remember the little things, without being asked and care about your well being.
7. Someone who makes you laugh, the type of laughter that explodes throughout your entire body.
8. Someone who loves their mom, sister, women in their life but in a healthy well adjusted way.
9. A Great Communicator.
10. Someone who likes to eat cake, and other applicable cake skills.

Status on the 17 Guys to Date in 2012 (even if their dates haven't been blogged about, yet!)
Dates Accomplished
(***UPDATE:The same guy can only count under 1 of the 17 types even though he may qualify under multiple categories.***)

5. The Single Dad Who’s Ready To Find Love Again.
Having shunned single dads in the past because Gertie didn't want to be an Evil Step Mother, you should resolve to at least take it into consideration. - Accomplished part way, we setup a to follow

6. The Guy Whose Job/Apartment You Might Not Love But Who Treats You Like a Princess. If he treats you like gold and you’re discounting him because of he’s a bartender who lives in studio apartment, you’re focusing on the wrong things. With the exception of him being involved in criminal activities at the bar or hiding dead bodies in his studio apartment, he is highly datable. -Well we've had two dates which fall into this category because we are really being flexible about our dates, since we have been following Rule #1. Give everyone a date who asks. Blog to follow shortly.

13. The Guy Who Loves to Cook For You. How ironic that he loves to cook for me because I love to eat. This could work. Well it didn't work out with BB&J but he fell into this category, we will count someone else in the future if it occurs.

Well I feel like that's positive ladies & gents, we're barely into the New Year and we already have 3 of the 17 types checked off the list, we will keep on swimming and update you more next month.

Watch out for Hammers,
Gertie xoxo

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